Key Communicator - 3/8/22

Kirtland Local Schools
Key Communicator

Welcome to the Kirtland Schools’ Key Communicator e-newsletter. We hope to use this tool as a two-way form of communication to share the good news going on in our classrooms, and also provide you with facts in the event of negative situations. We hope you will act as informal communications liaisons with the community and let us know what you’re hearing so we can proactively provide you with the facts of what’s happening in your schools. Thank you for your support!


At the March 7, 2022, Board of Education meeting, Superintendent Chad VanArnhem presented some highlights from the past month.  

  • 8th grader Charlie Whittaker won the Lake County Spelling Bee and was the runner up at the Tri-County Spelling Bee. 

  • KHS teacher Alicia Martin was nominated for the Gloria Lane for the Women of Achievement Award and will be recognized on March 13 at Lakeland Community College.  

  • Congratulations to our student-athletes on having a wonderful winter season. Kaley Ream qualified for states in two events and finished high enough to earn All Ohio honors.  The boys and girls’ basketball and wrestling teams all won their conferences. The wrestling team won sectionals and had five champs with a total of seven qualifying for districts with three more as alternates.  Congratulations to Will Davidson on qualifying for states!

  • We had a total of eight KMS students who qualified for the 2022 Lake Erie Power of the Pen Regional online tournament this past Saturday, March 5.  There were 34 middle schools who participated in this regional tournament. 

  • The Greater Cleveland Council of Teachers of Mathematics Middle School Math Competition took place on March 4 at Heritage Middle School.  We had three representatives on a team in grade 6, 7 and 8.  All teams were medal winners!


Renewal Levy

  • Mr. VanArnhem reminded the community that the Kirtland Local Schools will be on ballot on May 3 for an operating renewal levy.

    • Is NOT a tax increase

    • Brings in $2.2 million each year.

    • Renewed every five years

    • Makes up about 15% of our income

    • Passed in 2012 and renewed in 2017

Permanent Improvement Projects

Mr. VanArnhem also gave an update on the scope of the permanent improvement projects.  

With supply chain issues, inflationary costs, and labor shortages taking place in our country right now, the proposed projects are facing numerous challenges. 

The playground resurfacing project was put out to bid three different times with only one bid coming in at double the expected cost.  Solutions are being explored.  

On March 2, three construction managers (CMRs) gave presentations and their bids on renovating the science lab and stadium.  All three bids came in significantly over the initial expected costs from the fall estimates and above our given budget. The district wants to be fiscally responsible by not jeopardizing the permanent improvement money that is needed for the rest of the facility by paying these guaranteed maximum prices.  

The updated five year capital improvement plan can be found here: 2023 Capital Improvement Plan

The Board is currently working with ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) to reevaluate the scope of the work and have it rebid by the three CMR’s again.  The district is still committed to updating the KHS Science Lab and delivering on the stadium renovation that includes a turf field, new lights, a resurfaced track and updated scoreboard. When the updated plans and timelines are established, they will be communicated out. Delaying the work is not what we had hoped for, but we want to be fiscally responsible and make sure this project is completed correctly. 

State of the Schools

With the goal to keep the community engaged and informed, Mr. VanArnhem has delivered the State of the Schools to the Kirtland Kiwanis and seniors at the community center over the last month.  A video will be created and sent out to the community in the spring for all to see.

The Kirtland Local Schools would like to wish our students and families a happy and healthy upcoming spring break.


The Kirtland Local Schools are known for academic excellence and strong community support, and have been recognized nationally and statewide for educational achievement. The district also maintains a long tradition of distinction in a variety of extracurricular activities. The Board of Education provides open and thoughtful fiscal management of the community’s investment in the school district’s high quality educational program by ensuring every dollar spent benefits students and the community.

The Kirtland Local School District is located in Lake County and serves the City of Kirtland and most of the Villages of Kirtland Hills and Waite Hill, and small portions of Willoughby and Chardon Township.

Board notes and agendas can be found on the website at


Kirtland Local Schools - 9252 Chillicothe Road - Kirtland, OH 44094 - 440.256.3311

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